help us educate the next generation of leaders

Why Sponsor LTI?

Our Students

We emphasize recruitment of underserved high school students. Unlike many similar leadership programs, no student has to pay to join LTI. Additional sponsorships for our program will help us provide additional support for under-resourced high school students, such as public transportation waivers, meals during the program, and more funding for student projects

Our History

LTI has been mentoring Boston area students for 15 years. In that time, we’ve been able to develop a strong curriculum, and add to it every year as we learn more about pedagogy, as we gain more experience, and as new technology and social change prompts further updates.

Our Future

Given the success of LTI, we hope to expand the program to more students. Additional financial resources will help us recruit more mentors, allowing us to bring more students into the program, and ensure we can provide the same support as we do now to a larger cohort.

Giving to LTI

 If you are interested in providing a corporate sponsorship, please send us an email at so we can provide our corporate sponsorship details. If you are interested in giving a donation to LTI, please donate through our MIT organization page.